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An unruly pig? Who knew they could be?

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If only because of their great, almost steam-punk influenced (and quite menacing) logo which I like. A lot…

… the Unruly Pig looks like one to visit on the next trip into Suffolk. I want to work my way through all their starters but have a fond weather eye open for their smoked potato and pig croquettes as well as the brisket and bone marrow on toast.

I know everyone claims to use “local, seasonal ingredients” now and I know a lot really do but the local bit is a problem for some — as local, to me anyway, really means within a 25-30 mile radius, otherwise it’s not really local now is it? And equally I realise this can cause problems if your food gaff is located in the middle of nowhere, a long way from any source of supply but if that’s the case, at least be honest and up-front about the food miles that your ‘local’ food travels to get to your place before it winds up on our plates …

I don’t think this is a problem here; I intend getting my laughing gear around one of their own Unruly Pig burger, clamped inside a brioche bun from the Pump Street Bakery, a fine award winning bakery located less than 10 miles away in Orford.

2016-05-30 at 12.35


And then eat pretty much anything off their menu

but most especially, anything that comes off their Inka charcoal grill.

I’m writing this on a dull, cloudy, chilly day and this picture warms me up…


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