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Deutsche duo duly do daily Duroc

Length: < 1 min

Feeding their suckling pigs — the rejects of the bunch — on 4 herbs before they go to be slaughtered seems the proverbial ‘no-brainer’.

Interesting piece on the provenance and use of the meat from the Grillmair brothers (a little bit of nominative determinism there, you think?) by Austrian chef Richard Rauch. He’s full on for the nose-to-tail usage, and he has some great sounding dishes, inc. the raw pig’s-heart carpaccio which he (slightly euphemistically and to overcome the “raw pork” customer road-block) calls “Heartbeat”. I’ll probably never eat there now; but he’s got his heart in the right place (see what I did there?).

Richard Rauch 'Heartbeat'

I’ve girded the proverbials and made a pledge to myself that I’m going to be writing more, here on STP and over on Zero Waste as well — maybe not too many longer form pieces but at least as a diary of what’s caught my eye, what’s distracted me from the current shit-show, what I think you’ll find interesting. So, stay tuned.

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