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Tasting notes

Length: < 1 min

You want recommendations? You want to eat well and buy from some wonderful people? You’re in luck, you’ve come to just the right place.

Here you (will) find a veritable cornucopia of great, dedicated, enthusiastic farmers, breeders and suppliers of all things pig based*. We’ll have bought from them or eaten there, shopped until we dropped there and can recommend them 100% fully for reasons that will be clear if you read through the rest of the site.

* I’ll also be mentioning local suppliers who aren’t just (or sometimes, not even a little) pork centred. The area around where I live is more than somewhat limited, it’s not London with its galaxy (some might call it a black-hole at the centre of a galaxy, because of the negative, enervating & draining effects it has on the resources outside the metropolis) of small & large culinary stars, that’s for sure, but equally, there are little pockets of brilliance in every direction and I want to make sure that they’re highlighted and thus encourage everyone around here to support them, rather than taking the easier but less interesting and tasty route of shopping at the faceless, profit-only, damn the supplier and forget about good produce, supermarkets and chain stores.

Finally, there’ll also be my own takes on some great pork recipes — along with recommendations for some extra reading…

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