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Binchōtan baby.

Length: < 1 min

OK, three short things:

1. We have been persuaded that, actually, the film “Pig”, starring Nicholas Cage is really, really, really worth watching. So, whilst my earlier piece here, will stay on the blog, whatever the outcome of our viewing, I’ll be saying more about it later. Even if that means eating the the words of my earlier rant.

2. I’d f̶i̶v̶e̶, no, now only 4, jars like this fermenting away, of an always tasty & active kimchi recipe by @ChefRoyChoi,

one that I make all the time (& you should buy the book it’s from as it’s a great piece of writing!). But in this heat they really need burping every couple of hours

Roy Choi's kimchi in a jar

L.A. Son: My Life, My City, My Food by Roy Choi, Tien Nguyen, Natasha Phan

Remember, burp them. Or they explode. Don’t be that person…

3. And speaking of eating, I now have both a delightful Konro grill for yakitori cuts

Konro grill

which looks like this in use

Konro in use

and a binchōtan charcoal quenching pot which looks like this

Binchōtan pot

I had to buy the latter because no one I know who does ceramics offered to make me one. How about that for a kicker, eh?

And finally? Finally, if any Japanese readers could give me a quick translation of these care instructions, I’d be hugely grateful 🙂

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Binchotan pot instructions”]

4 thoughts on “Binchōtan baby.”

  1. Yes, the ceramic ones are nice. I just went traditional (made out of diatomite, fossilised plankton!) in the ones I bought — direct from Japan, they were about 30% cheaper (inc. 3-4 day courier delivery) than from UK sources, so worth checking eBay or similar 🙂

    Hydrogen Fuel Cells sound cool. Just seen this piece about long-life large iron batteries which he may enjoy and which also looks really good news.

    We’re both kind of addicted to kimchi and kefir now; we do a fruit based kimchi mix for Val whilst mine is a little more hard-core with fish sauce & shrimps etc. I’ve added the recipe to the piece just now

    The charcoal pot is earthenware, glazed on the outside, about 17cm in diameter. Love it 🙂

    Hope you enjoyed Glasgow? Boy, I miss going to great places. I know things will (eventually) improve but…

    Lots of love to you both xx

  2. Hi Chris

    I have checked out the Konro Grill and wow! You can get ceramic ones….. 🤣🤣 May check out!

    I feel a change of heart coming on with regards to kimchi. There a deal of health benefits to eating
    fermented food.

    We are both fine. John has a new job, and is currently working on Hydrogen Fuel Cells. The company Johnson Matthey are going from development to manufacturing.

    Stay safe and hopefully we will see you soon.

    Live Gay x

  3. Hi Chris

    I may pass on the kimchi. Sounds like hard work burping it every hour. Id never remember.

    I will definitely see the film Pig.
    I love Nicholas Cage.

    As for the charcoal quenching pot!
    I have one exactly the same but we burn oil in it.

    When it come to ceramics, you know who your friends are…….

    Love Gay x

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