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Death cult’s not cutie

Length: 2 mins

Why is this “yearning for colonialist” shit always, always, always, only ever posted by those who’d have voted for and still think Brexit was a bloody good idea, one that’s been screwed out of us by The Europeans, these gammon types, with their faux nostalgia for the “good old days”, those “halcyon” days they’d wish us all to be forced to return to, those days when — as they see it — “England was still a great country feared & respected, ruled the waves you know”, who hate foreigners, and “foreign muck”, wish England would bring back hanging & flogging and think hitting their wife (never ‘partner’!) is OK “because she was asking for it”…? 

(I mean, they never mention the free NHS glasses we used to get, the free higher education — and I realise it’s about food, supposedly but…– no, it’s always this grim, miserable, death-cult bollocks.)

The last line, with their “no elbows on the table” rant really sums up their pathetic, sad little lives. A list of things that we didn’t have or ‘miss’ now from back in the 1950s. Except it’s all racist sub-texts and, I’d hazard a pretty sure thing guess at, also coming from their homophobic and anti-LGBTQIA+ position, with insults all being muttered under their breath as well.

A list of things that we didn't have back on the 1950s. Except it's all crap, it's all racists, colonialist, I'd hazard a guess at homophobic and anti-LGTBTQ insults being muttered under their breath as well.

There’s a whole John Major (the ‘grey man’, he of the shirt-tails tucked in his underpants and regular, ‘married but having an affair’, sex with Edwina Currie) vibe to this. His words though at least had some slight poetry to them…

Fifty years on from now, Britain will still be the country of long shadows on county [cricket] grounds, warm beer, invincible green suburbs, dog lovers, and—as George Orwell said—old maids bicycling to Holy Communion through the morning mist.speech to the Conservative Group for Europe, 22 April 1993

But this list? It’s boring, it’s mundane, it’s not even remotely funny; although the Bernard Mannings and Jim Davidson ‘comic’-types would complain they couldn’t say anything now because it’s all Political Correctness gone mad…

Are they asking us all to follow them into the dark? They can rot. Unlike say, Gibbard’s lot…

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