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Hoarding or hording?

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This is a poster from Nazi Germany, 1942. It says:

“Hoarders, [panic buyers], shame on you!”. “Hamsterin” used on the poster is a synonym for hoarder or panic buyer in German. Y’know, because hamsters hoard food in their cheeks…

I really felt this image, for some reason.

A poster from Nazi Germany, 1942 "Hoarders, panic buyers, shame on you!" "Hamsterin" used on the poster is a synonym for hoarder or panic buyer in German. Y'know, because hamsters hoard food in their cheeks...


noun:  A wandering troop or gang; especially, a clan or tribe of a nomadic people (originally Tatars) migrating from place to place for the sake of pasturage, plunder, etc.; a predatory multitude.
noun:  A large number of people or things.
verb:  to travel en masse, to flock

noun:  (UK) A temporary fence-like structure built around building work to add security and prevent accidents to the public.
noun:  A roofed wooden shield placed over the battlements of a castle and projecting from them.
noun:  (chiefly Britain or India) A billboard.
noun:  The practice by of accumulating goods.
noun:  A good which is hoarded.
noun:  (psychology) An anxiety disorder characterised by a compulsive need to accumulate goods and feelings of anxiety or discomfort about discarding such goods.

2 thoughts on “Hoarding or hording?”

  1. I love this Chris. John has the most severe case of Hamsterine I’ve ever seen 🤣🤣
    If you could find a cure I’ll love you for ever.
    A recent tidy of his shed revealed every different style of curtain rail/hook ever invented ! Bearing in mind they were replaced for a good reason………🤣🤣🤣🤣

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