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Room with no view; but you’re fed

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Val is in Peterborough hospital as the previous op wasn’t successful in getting rid of the infection in her badly fucked up finger. She tested positive for MRSA. The tissue around the earlier splinter wound was necrotic. As I write, she’s waiting for a second op to try and fix her; mention was made by the consultant that “you may lose that finger”. Not optimal for a right-handed artist.

Anyway, this was her menu from Hinchingbrooke hospital

A menu from Hinchingbrooke hospital 2021

where she took the celeriac & apple soup and fish with mashed potatoes.

A meal from Hinchingbrooke hospital 2021

Unlike my memories of hospital food back in the previous century, this really is good.

She’s on “nil by mouth” at the moment, so hasn’t had a chance to explore the menu from Peterborough hospital. If the op goes ahead this afternoon, she gets to eat later today…

Peterborough hospital patient menu 1

Peterborough hospital patient menu 2

2 thoughts on “Room with no view; but you’re fed”

  1. Thanks Gay; will do.

    The testing was done at the first hospital; so not sure where this was picked up from. The finger had been swollen & painful for 4-5 days, so could have been at anytime. Pretty sure she’ll be staying overnight again but she should be allowed to eat then 🙂 Will keep you posted xx

  2. Chris that is awful, how did it get that bad so quickly?
    And where did the MRSA come from, the Hospital?

    Will Val have to stay in hospital? The food looks fantastic at least. Last time I was in hospital they could only give me jelly and yoghurt. They couldn’t facilitate my celiac problem!!

    Give her my love.

    Gay x

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